Online Capacity Building Program on Engaging Men and Boys Methodology


Young Men Initiative (YMI) team in cooperation with their partner organizations in the Balkans organized 6-module online training program for representatives of CARE Caucasus and their partner organization “Consent” on engaging men and boys in promotion of gender equality, in the period March 24th -31st 2021.

CARE Caucasus started the project “Youth Voices for Peace” in early 2021 where one component are tailored capacity buildings and trainings on YMI methodology as learning events for their programming. Having in mind the COVID -19 restrictions the first training was organized online, while we hope that next two will be organized live in Tbilisi. Within the online program participants had the chance to learn about Young Men Initiative background, methodology, all educational programs and social norms campaigns, as well as research and impact measurement methodology that is being developed in last 15 years. The participants were very interested in the project receiving concrete guidelines and advices how to adapt methodology and implement it within their project. This learning exchange was very successful, and we hope that it can become regular within the CARE world.

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